

Coping means to invest one’s conscious effort, to solve personal and interpersonal problems, in order to master, minimize or tolerate stress and conflict . The above line may sound deep and psychological but in simple words, coping means adaptability and coming up with strategies to reduce stress. In our daily lives, we have to cope-up with a variety of situations around us to make ourselves feel more comfortable. Coping mechanism is basically making up our mind and developing strategies and ideas to face the stressful situations in our life. IN today’s world, we all go through some serious issues in our life that can be emotional, physical or practical. In order to fight these problems in life, we do need some kind of support and meaningful strategies to deal with them and keep ourselves motivated during the hard times. We all face emotional breakdowns and psychological issues in our life. This is the reason that coping mechanisms are broadly there to support us and help us to move o...