Coping means to invest one’s conscious effort, to solve personal and interpersonal problems, in order to master, minimize or tolerate stress and conflict.
The above line may sound
deep and psychological but in simple words, coping means adaptability and coming
up with strategies to reduce stress. In
our daily lives, we have to cope-up with a variety of situations around us to
make ourselves feel more comfortable.
mechanism is basically making up our mind and developing strategies and ideas
to face the stressful situations in our life.
IN today’s world, we all
go through some serious issues in our life that can be emotional, physical or
practical. In order to fight these problems in life, we do need some kind of
support and meaningful strategies to deal with them and keep ourselves
motivated during the hard times. We all face emotional breakdowns and
psychological issues in our life.
This is the reason that
coping mechanisms are broadly there to support us and help us to move out from
the stressful and negative situations. Emotional based mechanisms help us fight
with our own minds to come out of it. In
the Covid times a major world population is confined in the four wall of their
home doing their regular chores without much physical interaction with the
external world.
These situations do have a psychological
impact on us and tend to leave us feeling lonely. It is therefore imperative to
move out from these areas of negativity as soon as possible. Let’s discuss some
of the mechanisms which can help us do so.
Emotional Support- During the hard
and stressful times, we need complete support from our close ones in order to
comfort us. We are bound to feel lonely and depressed if we self-isolate
ourselves. Thus the support from parents and loved ones proves to be a great
Relaxation- Relaxing our mind and body can help us cope with
stress. There are many ways of relaxing ourselves such as music, dance, art,
poetry and in an advance way, meditation and yoga really helps in keeping us
calm and relaxing our mind.
in problem solving- If
we have a pro-active mind set, we can steer through the problems with our own
problem solving nature without being much stressed. Problem solving can be done
in many ways such as by accepting our responsibilities, lowering our
aspirations, if needed, searching for solutions in our day to day life to
counter the problems coming towards us. We can thus conclude that Adaptability helps us move forward when
we have problems. We also need to remember that we have to be our own problem
solvers. People in today’s world are definitely moving through emotional
changes and therefore It becomes important for us to spread positivity, stay
motivated and provide support to our loved ones if we can, in the tough phases
of life. REMEMBER
human being goes through tumultuous periods in life and it is important for all
of us to find our own ways to fight them.”
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